half a world away

美 [hæf ə wɜːrld əˈweɪ]英 [hɑːf ə wɜːld əˈweɪ]
  • 网络相隔半个世界;世界的另一端;走了地球一半的路
half a world awayhalf a world away
  1. You 're half a world away , Standing next to me ;


  2. Not half a world away .


  3. You 're half a world away .


  4. I see the same compassion for people who live half a world away .


  5. That is what your people are doing in Rwanda half a world away


  6. Half a world away , Germany is building 10 new coal plants over the next two years .


  7. Scientists say the dry weather is at least partly the result of an event half a world away .


  8. This Christmas , many will sit down for dinner thinking of their loved ones half a world away .


  9. You would bring us the whisperings of a traitor half a world away , my lord .


  10. Today how scientists can now accurately model how a tsunami will strike a coast – even half a world away .


  11. Scientists say the dry conditions in the Horn of Africa are at least the result of an event half a world away .


  12. Meanwhile , the terrorist attack half a world away dominated the news interview programs that air every Sunday on American television .


  13. I never knew how a bunch of people half a world away chose a random town in New Jersey to populate .


  14. Scientists say the dry conditions in the Horn of Africa are at least partly the result of an event half a world away .


  15. Realism counsels dealing with the material at hand , not seeking perennially to change it from half a world away .


  16. Half a world away , Brian Weeden , a formerU . S. Air Force officer , wasn 't buying it .


  17. Half a world away , in Camden , S.C. , American workers are attaching the seal on a refrigerator door .


  18. We need to connect the dots for people between the ivory goods they see in stores and the carcasses of dead elephants half a world away .


  19. Beverly Hills Hotel employees packing a City Council meeting pleading members to not pass a resolution condemning the laws of a country half a world away .


  20. Hobson repaid the favour by naming the city of Auckland , half a world away in New Zealand , after his early benefactor .


  21. Because I know that no matter what I 'm doing , no matter where I am , this moon will always be the same size as yours , half a world away .


  22. Half a world away in the Middle East , some sovereign wealth funds now say that they are stocking up enthusiastically on food and gold , due to similar reasoning .


  23. In a bizarre coincidence , an English astronomer was going the same exact thing at the same exact time , half a world away . Joseph Norman Lockyer was also working on looking at the Sun 's emissions , also during the day , and he also saw the yellow light .
